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Supporting Article

Pastors in China’s New Era

Lee explains the three main reasons why the Communist Party is wary of Protestants: their faith is seen as an ideological threat to the Party, churches can bring foreign influence, and they are a collective action threat. She then explains the various ways pastors are dealing with the actions the Party is using to hold them in line.

Supporting Article

Combating the Cult Almighty God Church

The author takes an in-depth look at Almighty God Church (formerly Eastern Lightning) and its impact on China’s house churches. He looks at early house church responses to this cult as it began infiltrating congregations as well as later responses as it became a greater problem. Yu shares with us a portion of the biblical Christology he developed to refute the erroneous teachings of this group.

Supporting Article

China and Africa — An Introduction

What is the current relationship between China and Africa, and what are its long-term implications? The author looks at the historical backgrounds and contemporary issues that address this question.

Supporting Article

International Student Ministry in China

Is There Still Hope?

Given all that has happened in China due to COVID, Jones looks at the situation of international students studying in China: their current reality, their future, and the role the church plays.

Blog Entries

How the Lord of History Is Working Through the Diaspora

Our Lord is the lord of history, and everything happens according to his plan. The recent political developments in and related to China have impacted the movement and dynamics of the global Chinese diaspora. They have closed some doors for mission while opening others.

Lead Article

The Global Chinese Diaspora Today

Overview and Mission Trends

Our Lord is the lord of history, and everything happens according to his plan. The recent political developments in and related to China have impacted the movement and dynamics of the global Chinese diaspora. They have closed some doors for mission while opening others.

Chinese Articles



从人眼看来,在中国的国际留学生事工(ISM) 似乎正在经历着一场干旱。还有希望吗?

Lead Article

Thinking about Multiplying Migrant Worker Churches in Urbanizing China

After an overview of current trends in migrant worker population growth throughout China, read about the ways that urbanization has influenced the expansion of migrant churches. Finally, discover five ideas to multiply migrant churches.

Supporting Article

Changing the Rules of the Game

China’s New Era and New Media

The author explores the opportunities as well as negative effects brought by increased freedom of speech allowed in China in recent years. He then discusses why communication ethics and public theology need attention. Finally, he addresses the more recent, stringent regulations and overall tightening of freedom of expression and what is being done to respond to these changes.

Blog Entries

Expatriate Ministry in China during the Age of COVID

The experience of ministering as an expatriate in China is quite different today, as those who remain struggle to carve out meaningful roles in an increasingly challenging environment.